Osteochondrosis and treatment of cervical spine symptoms at home

Symptoms and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home is based on the method of self-healing. The method involves correct actions of the patient and support of the body's self-regulating, self-healing functions to restore nervous and vascular disorders of the cervical spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis

In unstable and not severe cases, the patient can naturally relieve back pain, muscle spasm, dizziness and other symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis naturally, without medication. However, you need to know well the structure and natural purpose of the spine and remember that our body is a self-healing system that exists according to certain laws of the universe.

The role of the spine

Before discussing the topic: "Osteochondrosis of the cervix, symptoms and treatment at home", it is logical to ask the question: "What role does the spine play in our lives? "


backbone is the skeleton of our skeleton. The head, torso, upper and lower limbs are supported on it. In other words, it is the spine that gives our body the shape we normally see.

Attached to the spine are strong connective tissue yokes and many large and small muscles that hold our body in a vertical position, while vital internal organs are located in certain areas along the spinal column.

Normal functions of all our internal organs and tissues of the body are provided by huge nerve fibers through the transmission of nerve impulses from the lateral parts of the spinal cord.

The spinal cord is located in a well-protected flexible "membrane" of the spinal canal from external influences. The roots of the spinal nerve protrude from the intervertebral foramen of the spine. In the initial part they are covered with discs and bone structures. The intervertebral discs consist of cartilaginous plates located up and down, the annulus fibrosis, and the nucleus pulpus. The thickness of the discs in the cervical spine is very small - only 4 mm.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

Healthy, intact intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers of various loads on the spine (compression, stretching). If the discs are damaged as a result of sudden movements, excessive loads, prolonged incorrect posture, spinal cord injury, or inflammatory processes, the vertebral artery, which passes through the spinal openings and nerve plexuses that pass through the spinal cord, is damaged.

The number of electrical impulses from the spinal cord to organs and tissues decreases, metabolic processes are slowed down. It becomes a cause of disease of certain organs as well as a cause of aging of the body.


This explains many of the symptoms of cervical spine osteochondrosis, which include pain in the neck, back, shoulder girdle, heart, liver and neck, back, weakness of the arms, legs, and vascular disorders.

The manifestation of the disease depends on the location of the disc injury and the movement of the spine, as well as the area concerned by the compressed nerve plexus.

So the health of our body depends on the health of the spine.

Self-healing treatment

I just want to warn you that the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis is made by a neurologist or chiropractor based on the results of a comprehensive medical examination.

When the diagnosis is established and there is no acute period with swelling and inflammation at the site of intervertebral disc injury, a self-healing method may be used.

The essence of the


  • In the correct actions of the patient, aimed at eliminating the causes of the symptoms of osteochondrosis - compression, movement of the spinal nerve and vascular structures due to destructive changes in the intervertebral discs;
  • To support nervous and vascular disorders of the cervix to support self-regulating, self-healing body functions.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis, which acts independently on the cause of the disease, you can read in the article of the same name.

It is impossible to eliminate the cause of the disease - deformity of the intervertebral discs, but you can learn to relax the cervical spine and gently stretch the cervical vertebrae to relieve pressure on the nerve roots and blood vessels, thereby compressing the symptoms.

Self-healing method requires personal desire, endurance, self-discipline and readiness to gradually change your posture, take good care of your spine, relax and stretch your neck every morning and evening and develop your own system for treating cervical osteochondrosis.

At the same time, always remember that your body is a highly organized self-healing system that lives by the laws of nature. Failures in it happen when you break these laws, no matter why, because of their ignorance, or unwillingness to comply with it.

Principles of the


Before moving on to self-healing techniques with the help of therapeutic exercises, several natural principles of this technique should be mentioned.

  1. It is known that in order to relax a muscle well, you must first stretch it. Therefore, many therapeutic exercises developed by a manual therapist are based on the principle of tension - relaxation of spasmodic muscles.
  2. Another principle is the physiological pattern of the combination of tension - the relaxation of the muscles with the phases of respiration. Inhalation is tension, and exhalation is relaxation. If these principles are followed, the performed exercises will promote the proper functioning of the circulatory system and will not disrupt the regulation of nervous processes.

Personal self-healing system

First of all, I will share with you my self-healing system for cervical osteochondrosis.

In addition to exercises, relax the "turtle" and shoulder girdle, sit ("How to treat cervical osteochondrosis"), which not only relaxes the muscles in the neck and shoulders, but also stimulates the healing forces of the body, energizes all cells and organs. Position - relaxation of the neck muscles.

However, I want to warn you when doing this pose! Remember - there is a vertebral artery in the cervical spine and the nerve rods go to the brain!

Since in my case the discs of the 5th, 6th and 7th cervical spine are deformed, I apply the following posture during pain and tension in the neck, as well as headache, ringing in the ears:

  • I lie on my back, lying on the bed with my head towards the end of my leg (which is without my back). As you exhale, slowly lower your head so that the seventh cervical spine is on the edge of the mattress. Thus, my head is hanging under its gravity, my neck is tightening and relaxing, my chin is above me. The hanging position should be short-lived - just a few seconds from 5 to 10.

When I feel discomfort, or at 10 o'clock, I slowly start "crawling" on the bed while breathing, so that I do not lift my head from the back of the bed, I grab the edges with my hands.

You should not suddenly pull yourself out of such a "hanging" position!

Slowly "crawling" on the bed and stretching the neck simultaneously relieves constricted blood vessels and nerves, relieves neck and headaches.

After this position, you should sit in a relaxed position for a few minutes.

This stretch of the cervix contributes to the deformation of the lower cervix.

Relieve headaches and other symptoms

If the symptoms are dominated by a headache that arises sharply in one half of the head, sometimes nausea, it indicates a skull joint at the site of the exit of the 1st cervical spine to the occipital nerve, which on its side is nervous on each part of the head. Therefore, when the occipital nerve is stretched to one side, pain is felt in this particular side of the head.

Cardiovascular and respiratory disorders in the background of headache are marked by disruption of nerve fibers from the 2nd cervical spine to the brain stem.

In the case of disorders in the region of the first and second spine, therapeutic postures for muscle relaxation are also effective. Anatoly Boleslavovich Sitel, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia in his book "Solo Spine" offers the following position to relieve headaches.

  • Sit in a relaxed chair. But at the same time, keep your body straight. When exhaling, tilt your head forward so that it "hangs" under the influence of its weight. So restrain yourself for about 10 seconds, then while inhaling, lift it up and rest for half a minute. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Gentle exercise

For osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment of cervical spine you can use the following two gentle exercises for cramps and pain in the cervical muscles.

  1. You have to sit on a chair, straighten your body. Put your hands on your knees. The legs are parallel to each other. Posture is relaxed, breathing is calm.

    Inhale and lower your head, touch your thigh to your chin, and lift your back. Hold for a few seconds in this position. Then exhale slowly, raising your head and shoulders. Do 5-7 of these therapeutic exercises.

  2. The same position in the starting exercise is the same as in the first. Get up from your sitting position, put your head on your knees. When inhaling, slowly raise your head, while exhaling, lower yourself. Repeat 5-7 times.

    During exercise, the neck muscles first tense, then relax more easily and quickly.

All exercises should be performed slowly and smoothly, ie you should not make sudden movements, do not rush, do not experience strong tension or pain. As soon as you feel uncomfortable, stop exercising and try to relax and unwind.

Local Remedies

Local funds

At home, in addition to relaxing the cervix and stretching therapies, you can relieve tension and minor pain in the neck with a hand massage or massager (after consulting a doctor), as well as local remedies - thermal procedures, compresses, compresses. ).

However, it is important to know that thermal procedures can be detrimental to severe pain and inflammation in the affected part of the spine as they increase arterial blood flow and slow venous outflow, so they aggravate symptoms, increasing pain and swelling of tissues.

For topical use on spasmodic muscles, use the following freshly prepared solution: 15 ml dimexid, 15 ml novocaine 0, 5-1% solution and 4-6 ml 50% analgin solution into a glass, where the membrane wipes are folded into 4 layers. The size of the wipes should fit the sore spot.

Apply a damp cloth in the appropriate place (the skin is pre-treated with alcohol), cover with cellophane and fix. The procedure lasts 1-1, 5 hours.

Compresses are done daily for 4-6 days. If redness occurs, it is advisable to replace the compress with dimexid liniment or dimexid ointment.

Adherence to a proper diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.


Dear readers, remember that our body is a self-regulating biological system that, if our posture is wrong, manifests pain or discomfort.

Take care of your spine! Do not get out of bed! First, roll over to the side and lean on your elbow, lifting smoothly.

Do not lift weights in front of you and do not carry weights in one hand! It is better to carry a load with a symmetrical load on both hands (for women - no more than 5 kg in each hand, for men - no more than 12 kg in each hand). You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

Do not do homework or dacha work, turned upside down! Washing the floor and weeding the beds can be done on the knees or with the help of long tools.